You don't need to have PTSD to be confused in this malstrom of news. It eats our common sense to be bombarded 24/7. And at the same time try to congest it plus your own life's events. You are pointing one of this times biggest problems out, and you do it very exact and fine.

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wow, thank you! that means a lot to me :) and you're so right. I feel like having experienced similar feelings due to my PTSD is making it a little easier to navigate things now

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Thank you for this reminder, Aris. I too have been greatly moderating my intake of news and returning to my longer term purpose as a writer and podcaster. Taking a breath helps me in the moment, and I have recently been doing adult art book coloring to music as a form of meditation. That and connection to my family all are helpful to me.

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I'm glad you have so many avenues of creation, grounding, and love to help you through this time ❤️

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